Internal auditing for ISO Certification

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 164 national standards bodies that brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

The Name?

The original  'International Organisation for Standardisation' would have different acronyms in different languages (IOS in English, OIN in French for Organisation internationale de normalisation), so the founders decided to give it the short form ISO.

ISO is derived from the Greek 'isos', meaning equal. Whatever the country, whatever the language, always ISO.

3 principle international standards have become indicators of the professionalism of business enterprises globally

 Your Internal Audit programmes can be run by your Practitioner working to ISO 19011:2011 auditing management systems

This releases your administrative staff for key productive business tasks. Whatever part of the globe, our trained auditor will give you personal attention to set, run and report on your chosen internal audit programme.

Quality management standards to help work more efficiently and reduce product failures.         ISO 9001:2015 UK    (AS/NZ ISO 9001:2016)

Health and safety standards to help reduce accidents in the workplace

ISO 45001:20-18 Occupational health and safety (formerly BS OHSAS 18001:2007)

           AS/NZ 4804:2001Environmental management standards to help reduce environmental impacts, reduce waste and be more sustainable

         ISO 14001:2015 complimented with ISO 14004:2016

         AS/NZ ISO 14001:2016

"The foundation of these ISO standards is the methodology to PLAN procedures,

DO what is planned, CHECK the success and viability of those procedures or protocols, then ACT on gathered evidence and recorded data to continuously improve the PLAN

At GO.tago we guide you in PLANNING, CHECKING, and let you do the DOING and the ACTING".