

GO- Continuous forward movement  

 otago- Innovation from central South New Zealand

compliance and refinement


CEO    GO.tago

The definition of compliance means 'following a rule or order.' 

In business and corporate management, compliance covers many important aspects outside of the core governance of HR and financial viability. Whatever sovereign country, there are three principle foundations of rule and order for businesses, and a fourth for dealing with the UK and Europe.  Compliance requires an understanding of all these relative to the locality of the business:

  • Acts   laid down by a Government providing the legal framework
  • Regulations    that provide specific requirements arising from an Act
  • Standards   that provide guidance on best practice. Some countries add Codes of Practice for simplicity
  • EU and UK Directives   giving the adopted legislation for uniformity of products across the EU and UK

 Whether in the workplace, in the services provided, or in the products that are made, bought or sold, these require compliance.   Underpinning that compliance is Quality Control, Health and Safety and consideration of the  Environment. GO.tago LLC is here to assist you comply in these activities. At Practitioner level. So you can concentrate on your core governance. 

The definition of refinement is  the 'process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance and the improvement or clarification of something by the making of small changes'. 

Mountains of documentation can be over-awing without guidance. Refinement makes a compliance process devoid of complications, manageable, and unambiguous. For companies where English is not the first language, GO.tago LLC is here to make sure technical literature, working instructions and service provisions are customer-friendly and compliant.

to our Practitioner services

Whilst internationally based, from the UK to New Zealand, we are a homely partnership using our combined wealth of experience,  training and qualifications to support you in the front line senior management in your need to concentrate on core business activities.

Our approach is one of assistance.  We do not take over as consultants, we assist in the day-to-date support. We do not change your strategy, we fit into your business model. We do not convert your systems, we help you to run yours effectively.

We are dedicated to ensuring you are compliant, and safe.